Wednesday, 17 August 2011


With thanks to Clare Sutton for image used under CC licence

I had never used Delicious before, so had no idea what to expect.  After playing about with it, my main conclusion is that it's ok.  It's not that there's really anything wrong with it, and I can see why it's useful, but I just don't feel that excited.  Maybe it's just because the website itself looks a bit dated, and I like things to be pretty!  I'm glad there are tools available that enable you to share bookmarks, as I can see that it is very useful for some individuals and companies to be able to do this, but I don't think I'll use it much.  Like Twinset & purls, I would be concerned about what would happen to all of my bookmarks if the site broke or was closed down or something.  If there is a website I really like, I'm very old fashioned and I write it down in my diary!

Thursday, 4 August 2011


This is the first time I had looked at slideshare.  It seems to have lots of good educational resources on it, as well as a lot of entertaining random things.  I like that so many people are willing to share their work to provide some inspiration for others. Good for the environment too, as it provides an alternative to printing out multiple copies of powerpoints to hand out to people when giving presentations!   Here is a presentation I think is appropriate for me, as I seem to be falling further and further behind in 23 things!  Overcoming Blogger Burnout
View more presentations from Childhood101

I have to say I wasn't expecting to find things like the Ikea catalogue on slideshare, but I thought it was interesting that it was there.  I don't know if it was just the kind of topic I was looking for, but I found quite a lot of advertising content.  I didn't mind; I quite like being advertised at.

Monday, 1 August 2011

Nothing really

I found another quotation I like (actually, it found me via my igoogle page):

Borrowers of books--those mutilators of collections, spoilers of the symmetry of shelves, and creators of odd volumes.
- Charles Lamb
Perhaps this would have been a good (inappropriate?) one for the library wall?  Ha ha haa.