Friday, 24 June 2011

The things of this week

I've managed to finish the things for this week, but only to the bare minimum at the moment.  I think I will need to spend some more time playing with them next week to understand the full potential, especially with Google Reader.  However, I enjoyed finding gadgets to put onto igoogle and ended up with rather a crowded page!  My favourite so far is 'Children's book of the day'.  It's just nice, and I like children's books.  I don't know how to add a screen shot to this blog to show it though?

I'm not sure how I feel about google reader and rss feeds: this is the part I need to look at more closely next week.  For some reason, I have never really taken to rss feeds; I quite like trawling through my favourite websites to find new things. However, from reading other people's blogs, it look like I have been missing out on a useful tool, so I will devote some more time to it and explore.

A quick update on the Kindle:  everything was going smoothly until Wednesday.  I was enchanted with being able to carry around lots of books without ruining my bag (I've lost several bags to carrying books around that were too heavy for them to cope with).  However, on Wednesday evening I was coming towards the end of a book, when disaster struck and the silly kindle froze!  I spent about 15 frustrating minutes trying everything I could think of to unfreeze it.  Eventually, instead of throwing it on the ground and stamping on it (as it deserved), I looked up the Amazon troubleshooting page and managed to solve the problem.  Apparently I had pressed some buttons too quickly and this had confused the kindle.  My print books never get confused when I turn pages too quickly.  Anyway, I have forgiven the kindle for this transgression, but I feel more wary of it than I did before.  If I go on holiday with the kindle, I think I will have to take at least one print book as well, just to be on the safe side.


  1. "My print books never get confused when I turn pages too quickly." << *dies laughing*

    re: images - there should be a little icon of a picture in the 'new post' screen, just above the box where you type the post in. Click on that, and there's various options for getting a picture in - for a screenshot, probably save it in paint or something first then use the 'browse' option.

    Poke me if this makes no senese and I'll show you.

  2. Hi Hazel, to take screen shots you press the "print screen" button on the keyboard and this "copies" a picture. You then have to "paste" the picture where you want to put it. I had a talk at a library where the librarian had a screen shot of the online catalogue on one tab and you could read "how to take a screen shot" as the title of the other.
    That's interesting about the Kindle. I was thinking that it might have a use for reference books or big books where you would want to read only a chapter or so but it sounds like it would be difficult to browse if it gets easily flustered with page turning.

  3. Oh thanks Samantha, I'll try that. I had tried just to paste it straight into the blog, but the blog didn't like it.

    I think the Kindle might be ok for browsing generally, but probably not with the kind of books I am reading. As I am just downloading free books, they don't usually seem to have interactive contents pages or anything, so the books are a bit laborious to browse around. It's possible I am missing something obvious though, as I haven't read the user guide yet!

  4. I find rss feeds most useful for journal and search alerts. I agree that sometimes it's nice to check all your favourite websites anyway.

    It's easy to add images in your blog - when you're posting you should see an image icon - click on this and it will let you browse your files for images.
    To get the image you can either use the print screen button on your keyboard. A quick cheats way is to then just paste this into a word doc, then right click and choose to save the image as a jpeg.

    If you have the snipping tool on your PC then this is great to use as it creates the file for you and you can add highlights etc easily if you want to. I see the snipping tool direct from the start button on my PC, but dont; knwo if it's set up like this on all PCs.
    Let me know if you want me or another 23 things tutor to show you this.

    Rowena 23 Things Team
